Title: Anesthesia Fandom: LOST Characters: Jack/Ilana Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 108 Summary: He is his own worst patient. (sideways verse; prompt - run, written for lost_in_108 )
Title: two plus two is five Fandom: LOST Characters: Ilana, Jacob Rating: PG Word Count: 108 Summary: She likes things the way they are. (prompt - cave, written for lost_in_108 , part of the Playing With Matches verse)
Title: We'll Always Have New York Fandom: LOST Characters: Abaddon/Ilana Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 108 Summary: They've got nowhere better to be. (prompt - mirror, written for lost_in_108 )
Title: made of ticky tacky and they all look the same Fandom: LOST Characters: Abaddon/Ilana, Ben, Charles Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 1,032 Summary: It's not an art, it's a science.
Title: but i am just a man Fandom: LOST Characters: Esau/Ilana Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 108 Summary: It means nothing to him. (prompt - detour, written for lost_in_108 )
Title: rain on my umbrella (some call it noise) Fandom: LOST Characters: Ilana, various Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 774 Summary: She's never needed a reason. (for the lovely weatheredlaw , who requested Inspired by Music at the lostsquee Luau)
Title: set me on a mouse and i'd rather chase a rat Fandom: LOST Characters: Ilana/Samuel, Jacob Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 632 Summary: She's tired of being the prey in their games. (for cloudytea , requested here at the Lady Fest ficathon)
Title: Gravedigger Fandom: LOST Characters: Ilana/Jacob Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 1,050 Summary: I'll be back for you, he promises. (part of the Playing With Matches 'verse. for 10_prompts , double)
Title: fills my head up and gets louder Fandom: LOST Characters: Ilana/Ben Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 630 Summary: There's nothing left. Ilana keeps fighting anyways. (for weatheredlaw , requested here.)